Friday, March 23, 2012

Rockin' My Hoodie for Trayvon Martin!

Young student-athlete, 'baller' - Trayvon Martin saved his father's life when he was nine years old. His school teacher said he chalked-up A's and B's with ease. Trayvon's mother and father said he dreamed of working in aviation - either flying or fixing airplanes. He wanted to attend college and 'ball-up' with one of Florida's green and orange powerhouse squads.
Dude had swagg, smarts, common sense, respect for the law -- a tight and promising package. And more than anything, he wanted to live!

Trayvon Martin's family, unfortunately, won't be able to see their son fulfill his "American" dream(s). Instead, his mother and father, family, friends, classmates, community, the United States and the world will have to wait for justice for the murder of this innocent kid full of promise. Yep, that's right. In the United States of America, a country which polices the world and claims to be fair and just, the most powerful nation on earth which asks it's young people to fight foreign wars, where republicans fight for 'right to life' -- actually has laws which allow [race] haters to hunt down and kill someone; this is what happened on February 26, 2012

The hater, George Zimmerman, as of this date, is still alive, at large somewhere on the planet and   protected. Politicians and authorities in Florida are more concerned with "policies" and "procedures" (covering up and saving face) than they are with detaining or arresting Martin's killer and holding local officers accountable.

Living in the so-called greatest nation on earth may be great for some, but for most, if not all young black males, growing up in America is a risky business.

For parents of young black males on the road to success, living "stereotyped" in the United States, the fear of a son or nephew being killed by a police officer, a total stranger, or a neighborhood hater is unending. And not surprisingly, for most young black males, their perception of America is that she does not care about "us", but only to exploit us for our gifts and talents (scoring points and spittin' rhymes). 

In the eyes of most young black males, "justice is
swift for some but not for us." It's no wonder so many young black males have an adverse view of America, rather than the positive one that vibes with her claims of freedom, fairness and justice for all. The American history of killings of black males seems to be more than just historical -- it is also contemporary. 

In a nation of so many religious followers, namely Christians who profess belief in God, it seems odd that laws exist which protect armed hateful criminals and those in authority. What or which [type of] god(s) does America really serve and trust in? And for the sake of his mother and father, who instead of grieving for their son, must first fight for justice in his name. Shame on you Florida!

The one in uniform failed his duties to perform and temporarily resigned during an investigation by federal authorities -- wow! But even worse, the 'uncle tom' standing behind him with the suit on, who has the sole power to fire the idiot in uniform right now, would rather wait until he "receives all the facts" before he'll do the right thing...or not[?]

Love, respect and peace to the family of Trayon Martin and may God deliver swift justice to those who hate, envy and seek to destroy his children. 

R.I.P. - Trayvon Martin

February 5, 1995 - February 26, 2012

(Shot and Killed by George Zimmerman)


Rockin' a hoodie is not the issue, being young, black, gifted and hated is!


U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Special Report

Hate Crimes Reported in NIBRS, 1997-99

September 2001, NCJ 186765
By Kevin J. Strom
BJS Statistician
"Racially motivated hate crimes most frequently 
targeted blacks. Six in ten racially biased incidents 
targeted blacks, and 3 in 10 targeted whites."

Bryan Stevenson - EJI 



  1. How about you guys diluting yourselves into the ether? You are making children that don't look like you. This is not intended to be an interacial hater, it's looking at the high yellow to exceedingly bright NBA that brought it home for me. What happened to the field of dark and brown complected pride that once dominated? The enemy infiltrated sacrificing some of their daughters. I am not a black woman hating. I am a black woman hurting. I don't care for sports, but I would tune in to the NBA, NFL, and years ago MLB. We are only superficially represented in MLB. Very soon the visuals will "show" that we are only superficially represented in the NBA and NFL.

    You guys are diluting your stock and your power.

  2. Um, "Anonymous", any thoughts about the topic - Trayvon Martin?
