Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jackson secure, Gasol not sure about team destinies

Today one athlete, wide receiver - DeSean Jackson
has secured his future by signing a five year, 51 million dollar contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. But another professional athlete, Pau Gasol, is still not sure about his fate as a starting forward-center for 
the Los Angeles Lakers.

No doubt, Mr. Jackson is feelin' pretty good about things, with regard to his continued cash flow from the same provider. PG (Pau Gasol), on the other hand, appears to be handling the anxiety of not knowing if he'll continue to play ball with the Lakers or not, "with grace". In other words, he's keeping his true emotions in check. But at the house, you can bet Pau is like "What the deal, Buss?" 

No worries, PG! As you already know, when it comes to the NBA; it's strictly business. Plus, the Lakers probably needed to see you 'up' your productivity this season to see where your head and heart is. It could also be a simple matter of philosophical approach considering there's a new coach in town -- Mike Brown. Whatever the case, with the Lakers or not, PG is a champion big man with big skills, and it is understandable why he'd want to remain in Los Angeles. Who wouldn't?

Lesson to all pro athletes:  

You're only as good as your most recent performance. Get lazy with your smash-game and you'll be the topic of "trades" conversation(s) for the shot callers. In business, productivity always trumps history. Right DJ?

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