BG: The Definition of 'Posterize-Pimpin'!
Given all the well deserved hype surrounding the recent 'posterizing' featuring a 'monsterfied' dunk by L.A. Clippers starting center - Blake Griffin (BG), over Thunder's big man - Kendrick Perkins, it was no surprise to witness passionate debates about Blake's assault on Perkins being the 'dunk-dogg-dunkster' of the year, at familiar places like the 'hood' barbershop today.
Young and old cats, who love the game of 'b-ball', argued for and against Griffin's dunk being slam of the year -- considering the year is still young. As to be expected, the discussion broadened into best dunk/slam-artist in the NBA.
Of course, Blake was mentioned in this part of the chit-chat, as well. So what's your opinion? Was BG's slam the tightest dunk in the NBA this year? And to follow up: Who is the NBA's best dunk/slam-artist - period?
The Aftermath of Blake's Jan.2K12 Assault
As the topic continued, names and big-swagg identities like Dawkins, Dr. J,
and many others were shouted from, and in no time short, a room full of barbershop regulars.
Like most non-moderated barbershop conversations, someone extended the talks by asking about distinctions between best dunks during a game and those performed during official [dunk] contests.
It's a discussion, no doubt, that continued well after me and my 'baller-homie' finished gettin' our tops tapered-up and faded. So rather than make an endorsement for top 'slam-dogg', based on more than enough legitimate variables and circumstances, we decided to digg for some of the best quality video highlights we could find, and let you decide who is the NBA's 'King of Dunksville'. The clips include game and dunk contest highlights featuring dominant and creative NBA slams!
Feel free to consider style or swagg when deciding which player does his 'thang' with the best hustle, muscle... and flow.
To help refresh your memory about the 'get-down', check out a few random examples of a 'jumpin-jams-gumbo-mix' of dunks and slams performed by the NBA's finest hardwood fly-guys and 'hard-in-the-paint' dunk 'doggs':
Okay, is that enough to refresh memories? Although several worthy players may have been overlooked, a diss to none, due to time and space limitations, hopefully it's enough evidence to fuel the fire for further debate. After all, as time progresses, who knows who'll be tomorrow's next [top] NBA 'Dunk Dominator'.
If you can find better evidence don't hesitate to hit us up, or post to comments, loved one!
Check Blake Griffin and fellow 2K12 NBA All-Star 'Swagg Mobb' members!